Prohibited to… - for piano solo and 13 performers
Is this something you can do, or is it something you can't do? The composer's intention in writing this piece was to explore the...

Anacatesthesia for Soprano, Harp, Percussions, Electronics, Video and Conductor (2021)
an·a·cat·es·the·si·a (an'ă-kat'es-thē'zē-ă), A hovering sensation. [G. ana, up, + kata, down, + aisthēsis, sensation] You can either...

The Veiled Virgin for Trombone and Percussions (2019/20)
"The marble sculpture is from the hand of Italian sculptor Giovanni in the 19th century, depicting a bust of the Virgin Mary wearing a...

Love letter for Bassoon, two Pianos and Video (2021)
This is the second part of the "Love Trilogy". This one is also an experimental piece. While writing this piece, I became very fascinated...